#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=Untitled design (7).ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_x64=..\..\Logiciels\WSA-APKManager.Exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=WSA APK Manager #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=WSA APK Manager #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductName=WSA APK Manager #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_ProductVersion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_CompanyName=Tyleo Softwares #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=Tyleo Softwares #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalTradeMarks=Tyleo Softwares #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include "MetroGUI-UDF\MetroGUI_UDF.au3" #include "TyleoAboutMe.au3" #cs Tyleo Software Project Base v1 Created With CNP and DevTools Base Folder All Softwares created with this base are Free and Open Sourced. Join our Guilded Server ! https://www.guilded.gg/i/2DRlM7Mp #ce if RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\wsa","URL Protocol") Then MsgBox(0+16,"Error !","No WSA Installed on your System.") Exit(1) Else ; OK EndIf $State = " STABLE" $CurrentVer = FileGetVersion(@AutoItExe) $CurrentVer = $CurrentVer & $State $ProgName = "WSA-APK Installer/Manager " & $CurrentVer & @CRLF & "This App are not affiliated" & @CRLF & "with Microsoft Corporation or WSA Devs" #include #include #include #include #include "WinAccent.au3" #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= $WSAAPK_Data = @ScriptDir if Run("adb connect") Then Else MsgBox(0+16,"Error, No ADB","No ADB Installed.") EndIf if FileExists($WSAAPK_Data) Then ; Nothing Else DirCreate($WSAAPK_Data) EndIf $Apks = $WSAAPK_Data & "\APK" if FileExists($Apks) Then ;Nothing Else DirCreate($Apks) MsgBox(0,"Data Folder Created","Add your APK's in it using explorer or this program." & @CRLF & "Location : " & @AppDataDir & "\WSA-Tyleo") EndIf Global $GUI = GUICreate("WSA-APK Installer/Manager " & $CurrentVer, 474, 437, 261, 174) Global $Actions = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Actions") Global $Actions_All = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Install All", $Actions) Global $Actions_Sel = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Install Selected", $Actions) Global $Actions_S1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$Actions) Global $Actions_Connect = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Connect ADB" & @TAB & "",$Actions) Global $Actions_ConnectCustom = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Connect ADB" & @TAB & "Custom IP/Port",$Actions) Global $Actions_S2 = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("",$Actions) Global $Actions_FixApkName = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Fix APK Spaces",$Actions) Global $Actions_FIxAllSpaces = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Fix All APK Names Spaces",$Actions) Global $Manage = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Manage") Global $Manage_Add = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Add APK", $Manage) Global $Manage_Remove = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Remove APK", $Manage) Global $Manage_Rename = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Rename APK", $Manage) Global $About = GUICtrlCreateMenu("About") Global $About_Dev = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About Us",$About) Global $About_Ver = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("WSA-APK Installer/Manager " & $CurrentVer,$About) GUICtrlSetState($About_Ver, $GUI_DISABLE) Global $ApkBank = GUICtrlCreateList("", 0, 0, 473, 418, -1, 0) GUICtrlSetBkColor($ApkBank,$CurrentAccent) GUICtrlSetColor($ApkBank,0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetFont($ApkBank,13,900,"","Segoe UI") $ButtonBKColor = $CurrentAccent EmptyBankCheck($ApkBank) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### RefreshApkBank($Apks, $ApkBank) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Manage_Add $lBrowse = FileSaveDialog("Select APK File to Add",@DesktopDir,"APK (*.apk)") ConsoleWrite($lBrowse) FileCopy($lBrowse, @ScriptDir & "\APK") RefreshApkBank($Apks, $ApkBank) EmptyBankCheck($ApkBank) Case $Manage_Remove $dTarg = GUICtrlRead($ApkBank) $dTargFull = @ScriptDir & "\APK\" & $dTarg & ".apk" $Confirm = MsgBox(4,"Remove ?","Are you sure to remove " & $dTarg & " ?") if $Confirm = "6" Then FileDelete($dTargFull) RefreshApkBank($Apks, $ApkBank) EndIf EmptyBankCheck($ApkBank) Case $Manage_Rename $rTarg = GUICtrlRead($ApkBank) $rTargFull = @ScriptDir & "\APK\" & $rTarg & ".apk" $rTargNewName = InputBox("Rename APK","Type the new name. Never include extension (.apk)",$rTarg) FileMove(@ScriptDir & "\APK\" & $rTarg & ".apk", @ScriptDir & "\APK\" & $rTargNewName & ".apk") FixApkSpaces(@ScriptDir & "\APK\" & $rTargNewName & ".apk") RefreshApkBank($Apks, $ApkBank) Case $Actions_Connect Run("adb connect", @SW_HIDE) Case $Actions_ConnectCustom $CustomIP = InputBox("Type Custom IP:Port","IP:Port","","",120,120) Run("adb connect " & $CustomIP, @SW_HIDE) Case $Actions_Sel $InstallApk = GUICtrlRead($ApkBank) Run("adb install " & ".\APK\" & $InstallApk & ".apk") Case $Actions_FixApkName $ApkToFix = GUICtrlRead($ApkBank) FixApkSpaces($ApkToFix) RefreshApkBank($Apks, $ApkBank) Case $Actions_FIxAllSpaces $iApks_pool = _FileListToArray(@ScriptDir & "\APK","*.apk",$FLTA_FILES,True) For $i In $iApks_pool FixApkSpacesEx2($i) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & $i) Next RefreshApkBank($Apks, $ApkBank) Case $Actions_All GUISetState(@SW_HIDE,$GUI) $iApks_pool = _FileListToArray(".\APK\","*.apk",$FLTA_FILES,True) For $i In $iApks_pool FixApkSpaces($i) Next $iApks_pool = _FileListToArray(".\APK\","*.apk",$FLTA_FILES,False) For $i In $iApks_pool RunWait("adb install " & $i,@ScriptDir & "\APK", @SW_HIDE) Next RefreshApkBank($Apks, $ApkBank) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW,$GUI) MsgBox(0,"","Installation Ended.") Case $About_Dev TyleoAbout($ProgName) EndSwitch WEnd Func RefreshApkBank($Source, $Controler) GUICtrlSetData($Controler,"") $fApks_pool = _FileListToArray($Source,"*.apk",$FLTA_FILES,False) $fApks = _ArrayDelete($fApks_pool,0) $fApks = _ArrayTrim($fApks_pool,4,1) $fApks = _ArrayToString($fApks_pool) GUICtrlSetData($Controler,$fApks) Return True EndFunc Func FixApkSpaces($Target) $fName = $Target & ".apk" $fName = StringReplace($fName, " ", "-") FileMove(".\APK\" & $Target & ".apk",".\APK\" & $fName) ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Tried to process : " & $fName & "BY|ON" & $Target) Return True EndFunc Func FixApkSpacesEx2($Target) $fName = $Target $fName = StringReplace($fName, " ", "-") FileMove($Target,".\APK\" & $fName & ".apk") ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Tried to process : " & $fName & "BY|ON" & $Target) Return True EndFunc Func EmptyBankCheck($Controler) $BankData = GUICtrlRead($Controler) if $BankData = "-1" Then GUICtrlSetData($Controler,"No APK Files, Add Files with menu !") Return 76 EndIf EndFunc