#!/bin/sh # Using pipes and redirection to make the echo disturbing echo "Je m'appelle Henry" echo "Je m'appelle Henry" | tr 'Henry' 'Hanry' echo "Je m'appelle Henry" | tr 'appelle' 'alleppe' echo "Je m'appelle Henry" | tr 'Je' 'Tu' echo "Je m'appelle Henry" | tr 'm' 'p' echo "Je m'appelle Henry" | tr 'appe' 'mapp' echo "Je m'appelle Henry" | tr "Je m'appelle Henry" "yrneH elleppa'm eJ" # Pipes can be used to replace characters (or Char). echo "1" | tr '1' '2' # this will show 2 and not 1. echo "no" | tr 'no' 'yes' # this will show yes and not no. # Pipes can interfer with result of commands, for example : echo "Normal LS" ls -l echo "Anormal LS" ls -l | tr 'drwxrwxrjanvdecnovjunavrmayaug' '00' echo "The command is : ls -l | tr 'drwxrwxrjanvdecnovjunavrmayaug' '00'" echo "Or..." ls -l | echo "Ahah !" echo 'The Command is : ls -l | echo "Ahah !"' echo "This make the command LS in bad condition due to pipe." echo "The Tr command is usefull for maintenancy taskes or for changing a sensible value."