#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script show a menu to choose type of calendar between Simple, Complex and Date. printf ' ---------------------------------- DATE AND CALENDAR CHOOSER MENU ---------------------------------- Choose between : current : calendar of current month three : calendar of three month and current one at middle date : Show the date of today hour : Show the clock (HH:MM:SS) ' echo -n "Your choice : " read cli echo if [[ $cli = [Cc]urrent ]] then cal elif [[ $cli = [Tt]hree ]] then cal -3 elif [[ $cli = [Dd]ate ]] then echo "La date d'aujourd'hui : `date +"%A %d %B %Y"`" elif [[ $cli = [Hh]our ]] then echo "L'heure actuelle : `date +%H:%M:%S`" fi