#!/usr/bin/env bash # Start and between IF= ELIF= ELSE= # Ending THEN= FI= # Starting script printf ' ------------------------------- IF, ELIF, ELSE, THEN et FI. ------------------------------- Ce jeu est en Français et sera toujours traduit en anglais This game is in French and will always be translated to English ------------------------------- le but est simple the objective is easy vous diposez des mots suivants : you own theses words : if, fi, then, else, et elif. Aprés avoir lu le systéme de condition After reading condition system : A chaque fois que un mot apparait sur le terminal, saisir le mot suivant. For each time of word appear in the terminal, type the next word. ' echo echo -n "Go? [Y/n]" read go if [[ $go = [Yy] ]]; then echo "Starting !" echo echo -n "if [[ test ]]; " read IF if [[ $IF = then ]]; then echo "Good !" echo "This is an example of code :" cat ./cgamesx785qs_data/.ifscript elif [[ $IF = * ]]; then echo "No, the right answer is 'then'" echo "This is an example of code :" cat ./cgamesx785qs_data/.ifscript fi echo echo -n "else " read ELSE if [[ $ELSE = fi ]]; then echo "Good !" echo "This is an example of code :" cat ./cgamesx785qs_data/.elsescript elif [[ $ELSE = * ]]; then echo "Bad answer, the right answer is 'fi'" echo "This is an example of code :" cat ./cgamesx785qs_data/.elsescript fi echo "the last one :" echo "if, tip : Excepting 'then', When I want to do other thing in certain cases" read ELIF if [[ $ELIF = elif ]]; then echo "Good answer !" echo "This is an example of code :" cat ./cgamesx785qs_data/.elifscript elif [[ $ELIF = * ]]; then echo "Bad answer, the right is : elif, used to make another condition after the first one." echo "This is an example of code :" cat ./cgamesx785qs_data/.elifscript fi elif [[ $go = [Nn] ]];[[ $go = " " ]]; then echo "Game aborted !" exit fi