#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script will ask you for showing LS. but in different way, with -l, -la, and -x. # -la will be shown "hidden " storage into lsh variable # -l will be shown "complex" storage into lsc variable # -x will be shown "simple " storage into lss variable # Used variable : $lschoose, $lsh/c/s/n lsh="ls -la" lsc="ls -l" lss="ls -x" lsn="ls" lschoose= echo -n "Choose your LS, it will show the current directory (hidden,complex,simple): " read lschoose if [[ $lschoose = hidden ]]; then $lsh ./ elif [[ $lschoose = complex ]]; then $lsc ./ elif [[ $lschoose = simple ]]; then $lss ./ elif [[ $lschoose = * ]]; then $lsn ./ fi