#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script will ask you for showing LS. but in different way, with -l, -la, and -x. # Execute as root for more features ! # Used variable : $lschoose, $ls* lscpu="lscpu" lshw="lshw" lsmem="lsmem" lsblk="lsblk" lshwshort="lshw -short" lshwmemory="lshw -short -c memory" any="echo Aborting." lschoose= UID_CHECK=0 printf ' ------------------------- SYSTEM INFORMATION MENU -------------------------\n ' echo "Make your choice : " echo -n " 0) processor : Show CPU informations 1) hardware : Full hardware informations 2) hardwareshort : Short but powerfull informations 3) memory : RAM informations 4) memory_root : RAM informations as root 5) sysmem : RAM Full informations 6) disks : Show partitions and disks\n Active User Informations : UID : $UID User : $USER Date : `date` Your choice [0/1/2/3/4/5/6/Abort] " read lschoose if [[ $lschoose = 0 ]]; then $lscpu elif [[ $lschoose = 1 ]]; then $lshw elif [[ $lschoose = 2 ]]; then $lshwshort elif [[ $lschoose = 3 ]]; then $lshwmemory 2> /dev/null elif [[ $lschoose = 4 ]]; then if [[ $UID = 0 ]]; then $lshwmemory 2> /dev/null elif [[ $UID = * ]]; then echo " You are not ROOT (your UID = $UID), if you want to use this feature : run 'sudo ./[script.sh]' or run 'sudo su' and then run './[script.sh]' " exit fi elif [[ $lschoose = 5 ]]; then $lsmem elif [[ $lschoose = 6 ]]; then $lsblk elif [[ $lschoose = * ]]; then $any fi