#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Training Script. This script use only ECHO command" # ----------------------------------- num= printf ' If user send "One", the script answer "Two" If user send "Two", the script answer "Three" If user send "Three", the script answer "Four" If user send "Four", the script answer "Five" If any other input is sent, the script will answer "What?" Now, starting script ! ' sleep 1 echo -n "Enter a number in letter [One/Two/Three/Four]:" read num if [[ $num = [Oo]ne ]]; then echo "Two" elif [[ $num = [Tt]wo ]]; then echo "Three" elif [[ $num = [Tt]hree ]]; then echo "Four" elif [[ $num = [Ff]our ]]; then echo "Five" else echo "What?" fi