#!/usr/bin/env bash echo "Training Script. This script use only ECHO command" # -------------------------------------------------------------- # In this script, user send five times a number between 1 and 5. # Results can be : # ⩇⩇ # ⩇⩇⩇ # ⩇⩇⩇⩇ # ⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ # ⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ # if user send 2 3 4 5 6 # # In case of inccorect imput into any variable, # the value will be "invalid" # -------------------------------------------------------------- echo " ⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺ ⎮ The Condition Game!⎮ ⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺ This game will show line of '-' conditionnaly to your choice of number. Example : 2 ⩇⩇ 4 ⩇⩇⩇⩇ 5 ⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ 1 ⩇ 3 ⩇⩇⩇ If you enter any other thing (like a word) it will show 'Value upper or equal of 6, or invalid input !' Enter five number, for example : 1 2 3 4 5 By typing enter for each number. -- " echo -n "one= " read one echo -n "two= " read two echo -n "three= " read three echo -n "four= " read four echo -n "five= " read five echo -- echo "Choosen numbers : $one $two $three $four $five" if [[ $one = 1 ]]; then one=⩇ elif [[ $one = 2 ]]; then one=⩇⩇ elif [[ $one = 3 ]]; then one=⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $one = 4 ]]; then one=⩇⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $one = 5 ]]; then one=⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ else one="Value $one is upper or equal of 6, or invalid input !" fi if [[ $two = 1 ]]; then two=⩇ elif [[ $two = 2 ]]; then two=⩇⩇ elif [[ $two = 3 ]]; then two=⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $two = 4 ]]; then two=⩇⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $two = 5 ]]; then two=⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ else two="Value $two is upper or equal of 6, or invalid input !" fi if [[ $three = 1 ]]; then three=⩇ elif [[ $three = 2 ]]; then three=⩇⩇ elif [[ $three = 3 ]]; then three=⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $three = 4 ]]; then three=⩇⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $three = 5 ]]; then three=⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ else three="Value $three is upper or equal of 6, or invalid input !" fi if [[ $four = 1 ]]; then four=⩇ elif [[ $four = 2 ]]; then four=⩇⩇ elif [[ $four = 3 ]]; then four=⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $four = 4 ]]; then four=⩇⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $four = 5 ]]; then four=⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ else four="Value $four is upper or equal of 6, or invalid input !" fi if [[ $five = 1 ]]; then five=⩇ elif [[ $five = 2 ]]; then five=⩇⩇ elif [[ $five = 3 ]]; then five=⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $five = 4 ]]; then five=⩇⩇⩇⩇ elif [[ $five = 5 ]]; then five=⩇⩇⩇⩇⩇ else five="Value $five is upper or equal of 6, or invalid input !" fi echo "Now, this is the result : $one $two $three $four $five "