if test -z "$1" then USERTARGET=$USER else USERTARGET=$1 fi clear echo "============================================================" figlet QuickSudo II echo "============================================================" echo "============ https://tyleodev.fr == Open Source ============" echo "============================================================" echo "/> User Target : $USERTARGET" echo "/> This Script disable Password Input when using Sudo SU for the current user or choosen one." ## RANDOM PIN pincode=$(shuf -i 1-100000 -n 1) ####################### ## CONFIRMATION echo -n -e "/> Please confirm this action by entering this security PIN Code : ($pincode)" read -r pinin if [[ "$pinin" -ne "$pincode" ]] then echo -e "!> Pincode $pinin received, there is an error here. Good Bye.${Color_Off}" echo -e "!> Exiting...${Color_Off}" exit fi echo -e "/> Pincode $pinin received, Accepted.${Color_Off}" ####################### echo "/> Writing User NOPASSWD to /etc/sudoers.d ..." echo "$USERTARGET ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/$USERTARGET-nopasswd echo "/> Quick Sudo installed for $USERTARGET user. Logoff or TTY Reset may be required for seing the change."